The Smart Energy Gateway collects real-time energy use data from your utility smart meter and sends it to the Chai cloud.
Your data comes from your utility company. Chai collects your daily energy use data from your utility via Green Button Data, a standard and secure (your privacy is guaranteed!) form of energy data. Chai Energy delivers your energy use data to your phone as soon as the utility releases it, typically 24 hours later.
Green Button is based on the Energy Services Provider Interface (ESPI) data standard released by the North American Energy Standards Board (NAESB) in the fall of 2011, and its underlying energy usage information model seed standard, the NAESB “PAP10” REQ 18/WEQ19 standard. The data standards development process was facilitated by the Smart Grid Interoperability Panel (SGIP), a public private partnership that is facilitated by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).